Free Homeschool Resources

The Modern Homeschool
The Modern Homeschool
Free Homeschool Resources

Today on The Modern Homeschool Podcast, I’m chatting all about amazing FREE resources you can use to homeschool your kids. There are almost endless options on free ways to homeschool, you’ll want to jot some of these ideas down! Grab a cup of coffee, a notepad, pen and a cozy spot, you won’t want to miss these ideas!

Free Resources for Homeschooling:

My Free Printables:

My News Articles:

My Pinterest:

My Art Videos:

The Good and Beautiful Language Arts: Absolutely phenomenal that this mom developed this curriculum and is sharing it for FREE! You can check out the website and download the pages to use with your child. 

The Library: Please do not negate your local library! They have loads of books on every subject, computers, dvds and sometimes they have free workshops too! Kids love going to the library and this is a great way to develop lifelong reading habits. 

Online worksheets: Google Image literally anything you’d like to see in terms of worksheets (i.e.: multiplication, division, science, etc.) and you will be shocked at how much you can find to help supplement your homeschool. 

Pinterest: Likewise, Pinterest is a fantastic resource for homeschoolers, there are tons of homeschool linked projects and worksheets that you can find on every subject. 

Teachers Pay Teachers: Some free and some affordable projects and worksheets.

Discounts for Homeschoolers: Always ask for a discount to National parks, zoos, and museums many have special homeschooling pricing. 

Free Websites for Homeschoolers: There are a lot of resources online for FREE for homeschoolers, google what you are looking for like FREE typing program or FREE science videos. (IXL, Xtra Math, Khan Academy, Dads Worksheets, ABC Mouse, Canva, Smithsonian)

YouTube: Do not discount YouTube, though you will have to filter it prior to allowing your kids to watch it, there is a plethora of knowledge on YouTube that you can access for free. I have over 50 painting tutorials that are made for kids. 

CA education website: The education website for CA will give you all the standards of public school so you can see what your children’s peers are learning. 

Community: Social Groups are available in most communities, if you join a Charter or Homeschool Co-op this is easier to seek out but there are also church groups, sports, friendships already established and homeschool supplemental classes.

Classes: Additionally, there are many privately owned companies that will discount music lessons, riding lessons, pottery, art and more for homeschooled children. Seek these networks out in your community.

Free Online Programs: Kahn Academy,, Connections Academy, Visions in Education, California Online School

Free Virtual Field Trips: Freedom Homeschooling, Discovery Education, California Science Center, We Are Teachers, PBS

The Modern Homeschool Website for Free Homeschooling Resources:

Check out my new book here:

My Instagram for All things The Modern Homeschool:

Link to my episode: A Literature Based Approach to Homeschooling:

Link to my planning printables:

More on how I plan here:

Did you know that homeschooling is currently the fastest growing form of education?

With nearly five million homeschoolers in America today, I hope that my listeners will gain inspiration, research and new ways to implement education with their children in natural and intentional ways. I want to offer solutions to the many challenging problems our youth faces today. I want to unify home educators and parents from around the world.

Here is the link to my brand new book on Amazon. You can find more of The Modern Homeschool on Instagrammy website and you can download my freebies here  Thrifting Living Books Planning

My Episode: Build Your Own Literature Studies in 5 Easy Steps

My Episode: Plan your Homeschool Year in 4 Easy Steps

My Episode: Choosing Curriculum, 4 Things to Consider

My Episode: 5 Perks of Homeschooling

My Episode: A Day in the Life of a Homeschool Family